Thursday 8 November 2018

How to survive a week or boredom...

This week we were learning to write presidial writing...

How to… Survive a week of boredom

Step 1
Create a list of fun things you could do e.g…
Try to ride the dog.
Muck about with a cardboard box
Annoy siblings.
Go on a noun randomizer and draw what the noun is.
Try not to laugh(with or without water).
Invite friends to play a video game.
Explore the bush/ forest/ area of land.
Read your favorite book(out loud) using different voices for different characters.
Close the curtains a have a party with no one

Step 2
Do what you can that is written on the list to pass the time. If you run out of things to do on the list repeat or come up with a few more things to do.

(optional)Step 3
If all fails invite friends to come to your place or play with siblings.

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